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The Center aims at highlighting the efforts of the National Company For Learning and Education, its activities and marketing events, in addition to serving as a link between the company and the different sectors.
(عربي) تأتي في سياق تعزيز الاعتماد على التقنية – وزارة التعليم تنشئ وحدة التحوّل الرقمي
Media Kit
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In this forum various topics will be put to discussion, especially for the National Company For Learning and Education, to communicate with the various parties and to listen to the public's views and suggestions.
April 11, 2018
IT stocks were in demand today. Check the official report

The company is keenly aware that students learn best in an atmosphere of fun, activity, and security, and that the teachers can perform their teaching tasks in healthy and… joyful conditions through an intensive care for the school environment, classroom, sports clubs, and school-friendly programs for children and adolescents.

April 11, 2018
IT stocks were in demand today [4]

The company is keenly aware that students learn best in an atmosphere of fun, activity, and security, and that the teachers can perform their teaching tasks in healthy and… joyful conditions through an intensive care for the school environment, classroom, sports clubs, and school-friendly programs for children and adolescents.

April 11, 2018
IT stocks were in demand today [3]

The company is keenly aware that students learn best in an atmosphere of fun, activity, and security, and that the teachers can perform their teaching tasks in healthy and… joyful conditions through an intensive care for the school environment, classroom, sports clubs, and school-friendly programs for children and adolescents.

April 11, 2018
IT stocks were in demand today [2]

The company is keenly aware that students learn best in an atmosphere of fun, activity, and security, and that the teachers can perform their teaching tasks in healthy and… joyful conditions through an intensive care for the school environment, classroom, sports clubs, and school-friendly programs for children and adolescents.

April 11, 2018
IT stocks were in demand today [1]

The company is keenly aware that students learn best in an atmosphere of fun, activity, and security, and that the teachers can perform their teaching tasks in healthy and… joyful conditions through an intensive care for the school environment, classroom, sports clubs, and school-friendly programs for children and adolescents.

(عربي) تأتي في سياق تعزيز الاعتماد على التقنية – وزارة التعليم تنشئ وحدة التحوّل الرقمي

أصدر وزير التعليم د. أحمد بن محمد العيسى قراراً بإنشاء وحدة للتحوّل الرقمي في الوزارة، على أن تكون الوحدة مرتبطة إدارياً وماليا وتنظيميا بوكيل الوزارة للتعليم بنين . ويأتي إنشاء هذه الوحدة في سياق مساعي الوزارة لتسريع التحوّل الرقمي في التعليم، وتعزيز الاستفادة من أبرز التقنيات الحديثة الداعمة للعملية التعليمية، حيث ستضطلع الوحدة بعدد من المهام التي من شأنها أن تسهم في  دعم توجهات الوزارة المستقبلية المنسجمة مع رؤية المملكة 2030، وما حملته من تأكيد على أهميّة التقنية ودورها في النهوض بمختلف القطاعات الحيوية في المملكة.

وستتولى الوحدة مسؤولية إعداد خطط التحوّل الرقمي الخاصة بالتعليم، والتواصل مع الجهات ذات العلاقة داخل المملكة وخارجها، والتنسيق مع إدارات التعليم فيما يتعلّق بالمشاريع والبرامج الخاصة بالتحوّل الرقمي، فضلا عن إعداد التقارير، ومتابعة تنفيذ برامج وأعمال الوزارة المرتبطة بالتحوّل الرقمي كمشروع بوابة المستقبل والمدرسة الافتراضية وكلنا أون لاين التي تنفّذها الوزارة بالتعاون مع عدد من الجهات الوطنية والعالمية.

وثمّن د. نياف الجابري وكيل الوزارة للتعليم (بنين) قرار وزير التعليم بإنشاء الوحدة، مؤكّدا أنّ إنشاءها يأتي في إطار مساعي الوزارة الحثيثة لتطوير العملية التعليمية في المملكة،بما يسهم في تحقيق تطلعات قيادتنا الرشيدة التي تولي التعليم جلّ اهتمامها ولا تألو جهداً في سبيل توفير مقومات النجاح له، لا سيّما وأن رؤية المملكة 2030 وضعت تصوراً متكاملاً لتطوير العملية التعليمية، وهو ما بدأت المملكة تجني ثماره وما تسعى الوزارة إلى مواصلة العمل به لتحقيق المكانة التي نتطلّع جميعا إلى أن يكون التعليم السعودي قد حققها في القريب العاجل . وقدّم الجابري شكره لخادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك سلمان بن عبد العزيز وولي عهده الأمين الأمير محمد بن سلمان – حفظهما الله – على دعمها المتواصل للتعليم في المملكة،  مثمّنا الحرص الكبير من معالي وزير التعليم ومعالي نائبه على قيادة العملية التعليمية على النحو الأمثل، بما يضمن تحقيق الأهداف المرتبطة بالتعليم ضمن رؤية المملكة 2030 . وفي السياق نفسه أوضح مدير مبادرة التحوّل نحو التعليم الرقمي (بوابة المستقبل) أ. عبدالعزيز الشهري أن هذا القرار يعكس اهتمام الوزارة بتنظيم مستوى الأعمال المتعلّقة بالتحوّل الرقمي، لا سيّما وأن توجّهات المملكة الحالية تؤكّد على ضرورة تسريع التحوّل الرقمي في مختلف القطاعات الحيوية، وهو ما أكّده ولي العهد الأمين صاحب السموّ الملكي محمد بن سلمان – حفظه الله – الذي فتح المجال واسعاً أمام مختلف القطاعات في المملكة للاستفادة من أبرز وأحدث التقنيات العالمية الداعمة للتحوّل الرقمي، وذلك من خلال توقيع عدد من مذكرات التفاهم مع كبرى الشركات العالمية في هذا المجال، مؤكدا أن الوزارة تمضي قدما في تنفيذ المبادرات والمشاريع المرتبطة برؤية المملكة 2030، والتي سينعكس أثرها على نحو واضح على الارتقاء بالعملية التعليمية، ورفع جودة مخرجاتها.

We, in this section, will disclose any necessary and essential information about contracts, administrative or financial changes to the National Company for Learning & Education.
Select a year
December, 2023
The National Company for Learning and Education (NCLE) invites its shareholders to attend the ordinary general assembly meeting (the first meeting) by means of modern technology
December 28, 2023
December, 2023
National Company for Learning & Education “NCLE” announces the opening of nomination for the membership of the Board of Directors for the new session
December 18, 2023
December, 2022
The National Company for Learning and Education (NCLE) invites its shareholders to attend the ordinary general assembly meeting (the first meeting) by means of modern technology
December 07, 2022
December, 2021
The National Company for Learning & Education (NCLE) invites its shareholders to attend the ordinary general assembly meeting (the first meeting) by means of modern technology
December 16, 2021
November, 2020
National Company for Learning & Education “NCLE” announces the opening of nomination for the membership of the Board of Directors for the next session
November 05, 2020
October, 2020
National Company for Learning & Education announces signing a share purchase agreement with the owners of Refan Company for Operation & Maintenance Limited (limited liability company)
October 28, 2020
October, 2020
National Company for Learning and Education Announces the Results of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting, ( First Meeting )
October 07, 2020
September, 2020
The National Company for Learning & Education Announces to invite all shareholders to attend the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting ( The First Meeting )
The board of directors of National Company for Learning & Education (NCLE) is pleased to invite all shareholders to attend the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting (The First Meeting) that will be conducted on Tuesday dated  19/02/1442 H corresponding to 06/10/2020 G at (18:30 pm) through modern technology using Tadawulty platform as per the Capital Market Authority’s circular to suspend the in-person attendance of general assemblies until further notice, and that such meetings should be conducted through modern technology, in order to further support the efforts and precautionary measures taken by the specialized and concerned medical authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
September 15, 2020
Media Kit
The files contain important information for media agencies such as logos and images.
Projects Update
We will, in this section, disclose any necessary and essential information about contracts, administrative or financial changes to the National Education Company..
Select a year
November, 2019
Al-Qasr (2) Educational complex Project

The project is aimed at the creation of an educational complex in Al Khobar, with a total area of 14,892 square meters, with a total built area of 24,500 square meters, and the capacity to accommodate 3,900 students from all stages (excluding Kindergarten). The school complex will be for boys only and will serve primary to secondary levels. The school will provide national and international curricula.

November 17, 2019
November, 2019
Al-Qasr (1) Educational complex Project

The project is established for the construction of an educational complex in Al Khobar city in the Southern District of Al-Raka, on a total area of 11,802 square meters and 20,500 square meters of building space, with the capacity to accommodate 2,650 students of all levels. The school complex will be for girls only and will serve all pre-university education levels from pre-school to high school. The school complex will provide national and international curricula. The educational complex will provide the private education services for girls only from pre-school, to primary, and intermediate and secondary levels, with the capacity to accommodate 2,650 students, with an average of 1,325 students for each of the curricula of the Ministry of Education and the international Curriculum.

November 07, 2019
August, 2019
Kairouan Educational Complex

The project is located in the Kairouan district, Saud Bin Abdullah Bin Jalawi Street in Riyadh, with an area of 29,000 square meters, and a building area of 46,500 square meters and a capacity of 5,200 students. The complex is expected to open in 2019. The educational complex provides private and international education for the Kindergarten, primary, intermediate and secondary levels. The educational complex provides private and international education for the Kindergarten, primary, intermediate and secondary levels with the capacity of 5,200 students.

August 07, 2019
May, 2019
Qassim Educational Complex Project

The project is aimed to establish an educational complex in the north of the city of Buraidah in the Qassim region, on an area of 12,661 square meters, and a total building area of 24,500 square meters and the capacity to accommodate 3,000 students for all levels. Pre-university education from pre-school to high school, where 57% of the capacity of the complex will be allocated to boys and 43% of the capacity will be for girls.

May 30, 2019
May, 2018
AL-Tarajjy Education Project

The project is aimed at the construction of an educational complex in Al-Tarajjy District in the Eastern Province of Dammam, on a total area of 9,875 square meters and 20,500 square meters of building space, with the ability to accommodate 3,000 students from all grades (excluding Kindergarten). The school complex will be for boys only and will serve primary to secondary levels. The school will provide national and international curricula. The educational complex will provide private education services for boys only for primary, middle and secondary levels, with a capacity of 3,000 students, with an average of 1,500 students for each curriculum, the Ministry of Education and the international curriculum.

May 22, 2018