Educational Services
The company offers a unique educational service in an attractive and integrated educational environment through its educational complexes. Its curricula and activities follow the global development of education and are in line with the age groups of students. It also aim to create and cultivate a spirit of competition, prepare students for professional life, stimulate innovation and prepare leaders who have the strongest and most gracious virtues. In addition to physical activities, handicrafts, and other educational and recreational programs and activities.
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Important Educational

The company offers a unique educational service in an attractive and integrated educational environment through its educational complexes. Its curricula and activities follow the global development of education and are in line with the age groups of students. It also aim to create and cultivate a spirit of competition, prepare students for professional life, stimulate innovation and prepare leaders who have the strongest and most gracious virtues. In addition to physical activities, handicrafts, and other educational and recreational programs and activities.

Habits of productive minds program
Aimed at developing students' thinking skills to be part of a comprehensive, lifelong learning process and to enable teachers to employ critical thinking through teaching in line with the goals of contemporary education. ""Thinking and participation, not indoctrination"" to give out information by questioning, discussion, Research, critical thinking, and develop communication skills and creativity.
Multi-level Classrooms
In line with "Learning for All" principle, and in order to provide effective and perfect education, the company has adopted in its educational complexes an extracurricular activities and programs for the gifted "Expanded programs" to added competitiveness and Educational attainment, and other development programs to support challenged and poorly performing students.
Enrichment curriculum and English language
It includes a curricula that is enriched with knowledge which support the national curricula, and is focused on teaching English from primary to high school through selected curricula using modern learning and teaching strategies in partnership with specialized international centers.
Alternating (moving) classrooms
The company has set up classrooms and laboratories in its complexes in accordance with the principle of "A student must journey to acquire knowledge", and supplied it with all the necessary technology and equipment, in order to innovate, break the daily routine, improve performance and comprehension.
Extracurricular activities
Aimed at preparing students for working life through physical activities, technical meetings, scientific groups, crafts, to raise students' talents, develop their confidence and communication skills, and to promote the spirit of teamwork.
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The company’s curricula and activities follow the global development of education and are in line with the age groups of students. It also aim to create and cultivate a spirit of competition, prepare students for professional life, stimulate innovation and prepare leaders who have the strongest and most gracious virtues. In addition to physical activities, handicrafts, and other educational and recreational programs and activities. The company also meets the educational and technical needs of its complexes through the best and most sound investment of financial resources, and optimizing the recruitment of the most experienced academic and management staff.

Youth Leadership Program
A pioneering program aimed at preparing leaders who are aware of our national and social values and ready to take on their national responsibilities.
Integrating technology into education
In line with the rapid development of knowledge, technology, and science, and the development of interactive learning environments, the company has provided the latest educational technology and training programs to integrate technology into the learning process through its Blended Learning strategy, providing its educational complexes with the most advanced educational technologies such as smartboards, projectors, Mathematics and computer Labs, and developed an electronic follow-up system that enables the teacher, student and guardian to review performance reports, follow-up attendance, absence, study plans, homework through LMS system and application
Evaluation and testing center
It aims to enable educators to apply educational, and psychological tests to improve students' learning process and support their psychological development, these tests include "Educational Quality Control" and a "Improve" test.

The company seeks to enhance efforts in human development by investing in educational institutions, developing and managing them continuously, and to providing educational and technological solutions to keep up with the rapidly changing era we live in. To be the leading company in the field of management and operation of educational institutions, and a national reference specialized in spreading knowledge within the highest international standards .

The attractive School Program
The attractive school program has been created out of the company's keenness to attract students to teach them in an atmosphere of enjoyment, hyper-activity and security, and enable teachers to work in a comfortable environment through the caring for the school and classroom environment, in addition to sport clubs and the friendly school for children and young people program.
A student without a bag
The schools worked to secure a wardrobe for each student to reduce the burden of carrying a bag on the student to promote physical and psychological health, and to cultivate values of responsibility.
Supporting Services
Supporting Services Include private transportation, private student boxes, medical clinics for basic tests and first aid operations, as well as sports clubs, halls, theaters, laboratories, workshops and prayer rooms, as well as food services, school transportation and training.