About Us
We aspire to initiate a new era of civil education characterized by development and creativity, and achieving the national transformation plan and the vision of our beloved kingdom, relying on Allah Almighty first, then on the combined national efforts with our accumulated experience over the past decades and diversity our knowledge and learning resources.
Chairman Statement
Vision & Mission
NCLE Board Members
Chairman Statement

We established the “National Company for Education” as the first stock corporation in the educational sector to contribute to the scientific and education development, a journey started by our wise leadership, to have the honor of being partners in the cultural renaissance. أسسنا “الشركة الوطنية للتربية والتعليم” كأول شركة مساهمة في القطاع التعليمي، لنسهم في التنمية العلمية والمعرفية التي انتهجتها قيادتنا الحكيمة، ولنكون شركاء في النهضة الحضارية.

Iqra’ (Read)  … the word that constituted a tremendous transformation in the human race’s journey towards education and knowledge, with it, knowledge was spread, sciences were written, and civilizations were built. Believing in the path “Iqra'” (Read) We started our pioneering career 60 years ago through our first educational projects, “Tarbiyah Namouthajiyah Schools”, aiming to provide quality educational services with the highest standards. With the beginning of the new millennium, we established the “National Company for Learning & Education” as the first joint stock company in the educational sector to contribute to the scientific and education development, a journey started by our wise leadership, to have the honor of being partners in the cultural renaissance. Today, our company has become one of the beacons of education and a gateway to the future for generations to come. We invest in education and it’s two pillars, people and knowledge. Because we deeply believe that we are investing in the future. Over the past years, we have been keen to improve our performance which kept us in a lead position in the private education sector and have enabled us, over the course of our journey, to become the leaders of this sector which relieves the state of an annual burden, and supply the labor market with qualified national human resources. And there lies the secret of our success in combining two key pillars: providing an educational level with outstanding standards, achieving returns that ensure continuity and promotes the principle of development.

Billions SR
»aved per year
أillions SR
Thousand Job Seekers
ّncrese of investment
in educational sector

We have achieved many successes that we are proud of, and we continue to aspire to raise awareness of the importance of investing in the private schooling sector for it’s a pillar of community development and a drive for the national economy to a higher level by attracting new stakeholders with diverse ideas, opinions, experiences and practices to achieve a quality and value education. Accommodates local and foreign students from, and provide three times the current job opportunities, which will contribute to raising investment volume. We also aspire and look forward to the initiation of a new era of civil education characterized by development and creativity, achieving the national transformation plan and the vision of our beloved kingdom, relying on God first, then the combined national efforts with our accumulated experience over the past decades and the diversity of our knowledge and education resources. Allah is the Conciliator and the granter of success.

Khalid bin Mohammed al-Khudair
Chairman of the Board,
A deep rooted past

The National Company for Learning & Education started an ambitious pioneering Journey by Sheikh Mohammed bin Ibrahim Al-Khudair in 1378 AH/ 1958, establishing the “Tarbya Namouthajiya Schools”, which served both kindergarten and primary school for boys and girls and was the first school for girls in Riyadh, and had only 50 students in a rented building at its first headquarters in Al-Malaz neighborhood on 60th St. and then on Jarir St., until the construction of the first educational buildings in Al-Rayyan neighborhood in the year 1400 AH/1980. And what made the jewel in the crown of the company’s fruitful journey is the qualitative shift that took place in the year 1423 AH/ 2002 by transforming this educational entity into the first closed joint stock company in the educational sector under the name of “National Company for Learning & Education” registered in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under Ministerial Resolution No. 346.

An Honorable Present

The company has huge educational complexes which can accommodate more than 32,000 students, which can serve all educational stages from kindergartens, to elementary, middle and secondary schools, as well as students of the international education program. Working in these complexes is a staff and a crew which consists of approximately 3300 employees, in buildings built to the highest specifications, and produced a great combination between education classrooms, learning halls, workshop and scientific laboratories on one hand, and entertainment facilities and sports clubs on the other, on an area of more than a quarter million square meters. Along the course of its work, the company has been keen to develop the educational process and qualifying and training for the staff by signing several partnership agreements with the major international educational institutions. It has also obtained several international certificates such as the ISO 9002, For leadership and management for consecutive years, as well as some of its students who have won the honor of representing the Kingdom in many regional and international competitions.

Looking ahead

The company seeks to make acquisition and expand investment in education in the Kingdom through the establishment and operation of a number of educational complexes in the coming years, The company also looks forward to expand its geographical spread in all regions according to capacity and strategic economic studies.

Vision & Mission
Our Mission

The company seeks to empower the efforts for human development through investing in educational institutions, developing managing, and improving them continuously, and providing educational, and technological solutions to cope with the rapid changes of the new millennium.

Our Vision

To be the first company in the field of management and operation of educational facilities, and be a national reference specialized in the dissemination of knowledge while adopting the highest international standards.

Our Values
Sustainable development

Searching for the latest educational tools and activities and continuing to develop our performance indicators and competencies.

Commitment to excellency

Commitment to provide a distinguished educational service, in a disciplined educational environment and respect for laws and regulations.

Credibility and transparency

Credibility to deal transparently and diligently with our partners, investors, teachers, students and parents, to protect shareholders’ rights honestly and safely, and continue our march forward in investing in private education as a path to sustainable development.

Apply the highest safety standards

Commitment to the application of the highest standards of safety and security in our educational facilities.


Integrity is manifested in our commitment to honesty, ethical standards and self-censorship through the ethical code of the profession.

Adding Value

Achieving excellency by exceeding what is expected, and adding the value added in private education.

Team Work

Cooperation to work on development and empowerment of our employees to make their professional decisions, and to involve everyone in achieving the goal according to standardized indicators and regulations.

Creativity and Innovation

Cultivating creativity through the initiation of entrepreneurship, to be able to move towards a better future and building a culture of innovation on a solid foundation.

Board Members


Bachelor of Media
Imam Muhammad Bin Saud Islamic University

Practical experiences

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Company for Learning & Education 2019/2020
Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ajaa Contracting Company
Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Aaj Company for Real Estate Investment

Other councils membership

Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Al Yamamah University
Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Muhammad bin Ibrahim Al-Khudair Endowment Foundation

Khalid bin Mohammed bin Ibrahim Al Khudair
Chairman of the Board


Bachelor of Arts and Education
King Saud University

Practical experiences

Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Company for Learning & Education 2019/2020
Executive Vice President of the National Company for Learning & Education
Director of a number of schools
Educational supervisor at the Ministry of Education

Ibrahim bin Abdulrahman Al-Derea
Vice Chairman


Bachelor of Economics
Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University 1990

Master of Business Administration
University of Denver, USA, 1999


Practical experiences

Member of the Audit Committee of the Middle East Metal Mold Factory Company
Membership of the Audit Committee of the Golden Hotels Company


Other councils membership

General Manager of Yanabee’ Refreshments & Flexible Packaging Factory Company
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Mohammed Al-Ali Al-Swailem Investment Company
Member of the Board of Directors of Muhammad Al-Ali Al-Swailem Trading and Contracting Company

Abdul Aziz Mohammed Al Swailem
Board Member


High school
Model Education Schools 1994

Intensive courses in management
Bill Scholl 1995/1996

Practical experiences

Member of the Board of Directors of the National Company for Learning & Education
One of the managers at Rowad Al Watan Real Estate Investments Ltd.
Director of Real Estate Investment and Director of Farms at Al-Thiab Company for Industry, Agriculture and Real Estate

Other councils membership

General Manager of Abdulaziz Al-Thiab & Brothers Company
Sons Hammoud Al-Thiab Company for Transportation Services
Hana Food Industries Company

Abdul Aziz Hamoud Al-Thiab
Board Member


Bachelor of Financial Management
Al Yamamah University, 2012

MA in International Management
Hult International Business School in San Francisco, 2013

MA in Business Management

Washington State University, 2014

Practical experiences

CEO of the National Educational Company

Assistant to the CEO of the National Educational Company

IPO  project Manager for National Company for Learning and Education

General Director of Strategy and Business Development at Al Yamamah University

Senior analyst at McKinsey & Company for public or private sector consulting projects

He worked at IBM in San Francisco, California

Other councils membership

Al Yamamah National University Company

Muhammad Ibrahim Al-Khudair Charitable Foundation

Al-Ghad National Schools Company Limited (one person company)

Al-Khwarizmi Educational Company (one person company)

Al Salam Education and Training Company (one person company)

Refan Operation and Maintenance Company Limited (one person company)

National Company for Learning and Education – Investment Committee

Mohammed bin Khalid bin Mohammed Al Khudair
Board Member


Bachelor of Law
King Saud University 2014

Master of Corporate Law
Syracuse University, USA 2016


Practical experiences

Head of Legal Affairs – Government Sector

Director of Legal Affairs – Diriyah Gate Development Authority

Legal advisor – Public Investment Fund

Legal Advisor – Saudi Railway Company (SAR)


Mohammed bin Ibrahim bin Mohammed Al Khudair
Board Member
Our Awards
(عربي) جائزة العمل ( مسار التوطين )
(عربي) هي إحدى مبادرات وزارة الموارد البشرية والتنمية الاجتماعية لتكريم جهود القطاع الخاص من المنشآت المتميزة في مختلف مسارات الجائزة، وتحفيز المنشآت الأخرى على تطبيق النماذج الفريدة والمعايير لخلق سوق عمل جاذب ومتميز بامتثاله. بفضل الله، وللمرة الثانية، فازت الوطنية للتعليم بجائزة العمل عن مسار التوطين لعام 2024م، حيث حققت هذا الإنجاز تأكيدًا لالتزامها بتمكين الكفاءات الوطنية
(عربي) جائزة الملك عبدالعزيز للجودة
(عربي) يُعدُّ عدد جوائز الجودة والتميز الوطنية وتاريخها معيارًا لقياس مدى نضج ومستوى التميز بين الدول، وهذا يؤكد على أهمية وضرورة تبني المنشآت لنماذج الجودة والتميز المؤسسي، كما يُعدُّ إنشاء الجوائز المحلية والوطنية للجودة والتميز المؤسسي في أكثر من 90 دولة حول العالم دليلًا قاطعًا على هذه الأهمية. بفضل من الله، حققت الشركة الوطنية للتربية والتعليم جائزة الملك عبدالعزيز للجودة ، و يعد هذا الإنجاز ثمرة العمل الدؤوب في سبيل ريادة الوطنية لقطاع التعليم في المملكة.
(عربي) 5 جوائز تميز في البرنامج الوطني للتقويم والتصنيف والاعتماد المدرسي
(عربي) أطلقت هيئة تقويم التعليم والتدريب البرنامج الوطني للتقويم والتصنيف والاعتماد المدرسي بهدف تصنيف المدارس الحكومية والأهلية والعالمية وفق معايير محددة لضمان جودة التعليم. يتم تصنيف المدارس بناءً على نتائج التقييم المدرسي الخارجي الذي تنفذه الهيئة، ويركز على أربعة مجالات رئيسة تشمل: الإدارة المدرسية، التعليم والتعلم، نواتج التعلم، والبيئة المدرسية. حصدت مدارس الوطنية للتعليم 5 جوائز تميز في البرنامج الوطني للتقويم والتصنيف والاعتماد المدرسي من أصل ٢٩٠ جائزة، وذلك على مستوى المملكة لعام ٢٠٢٤م
(عربي) جائزة العمل ( مسار التوطين )
(عربي) جائزة العمل هي إحدى مبادرات وزارة الموارد البشرية والتنمية الاجتماعية لتكريم جهود القطاع الخاص من المنشآت المتميزة في مختلف مسارات الجائزة، وتحفيز المنشآت الأخرى على تطبيق النماذج الفريدة والمعايير لخلق سوق عمل جاذب ومتميز بامتثاله. فازت الشركة الوطنية للتربية والتعليم في مسار التوطين تقديرًا لجهود الشركة في تعزيز بيئة العمل نحو الإنتاج والابتكار، ورفع نسب التوطين، وتطوير القدرات البشرية.
Quality Management System Certificate (ISO 9001)
The ISO 9001 certification provides sufficient assurance that the company has an integrated internal management system that meets the minimum quality requirements. This ensures that the company follows a well-established methodology to improve the quality of its production processes and products, since this certificate includes documentation requirements. It was acquired by the company in 2018.
International Accreditation Certificate (AdvanceED)
AdvancED is the largest non-profit education organization that conducts on-site reviews for schools and school systems with more than a century of experience in the field of certifying Pre-K-12 Schools AdvancED has helped 36,000 educational institutions around the world employing four million educators and enrolling more than 20 million students through unwavering commitment to push for continues improvement
Excellence Award for leadership and excellence management - the third session 1432 - 1433 AH.
An award that seeks to honor all outstanding innovators in educational performance, to contribute to the sustainable development of Saudi society.
The main objectives are to spread the culture of excellence, creativity, quality, commitment, mastery, and highlight the role of teachers in the community and to raise the spirit of honest competition between males and females educators to perform to the best of their ability, and to develop their managerial and educational practices and improve their performance.
Excellence Award for leadership and excellence management - the third session 1433 - 1434 AH.
An award that seeks to honor all outstanding innovators in educational performance, to contribute to the sustainable development of Saudi society.
The main objectives are to spread the culture of excellence, creativity, quality, commitment, mastery, and highlight the role of teachers in the community and to raise the spirit of honest competition between males and females educators to perform to the best of their ability, and to develop their managerial and educational practices and improve their performance.
Shield of Excellence for Private Schools KSA Wide for many consecutive years
Shield of excellence for private schools in the Kingdom for several consecutive years.
The 2018 VEX Robotics World Championship
The Championship brings together top robotics teams from Robotics Competitions happening in cities around the world. Qualified teams will play the current VEX Robotics Competition game In the Zone. In the Saudi National VEX Robotics Competition Our team has won the competition in the Middle school category and was Qualified to represent the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the championship
King Abdul Aziz Quality Award
King Abdul Aziz Quality Award is the biggest and most important award for corporate excellence in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and for all sectors. Participation in this award is considered one of the most important indicators of adopting the company's leadership for quality and excellence and providing services that meets and exceeds the beneficiaries expectations.
King Khaled Award (Responsible Competitiveness)
The award seeks to promote strategic thinking and increase the positive impact of developmental action and sustainable social responsibility in Saudi society. "

The first school was established under the name “Saudi Kindergarten for Children” and was registered by the Ministry of Education under Re. No. 15494 dated 14/07/1378 AH


The name of the school was changed and became the “Tarbya Namouthajyah School”.


The first educational complex was established in Al-Rayyan district in Riyadh city.


A license was issued under the name of Mohammed Ibrahim Al-Khudair to open “Tarbya Namouthajyah Schools” issued by the General secretary for Female Education.


A branch of an individual institution was established under the name of the “Tarbya Namouthajyah Schools” under the commercial registration number (001-101000617) dated 09/07/1412 AH


The first commercial register of the company was obtained for Al Rayyan Educational Complex.


The Company was converted into a closed stock company with the Company retaining the name ” Tarbya Namouthajyah Schools Company” with a capital of (SR 120,780,000). The assets registration were limited to the founding shareholders.


The name of the company was changed from the Tarbya Namouthajyah Schools Company to the National Company for Education & Learning under the partners’ resolution issued at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company.


The Company’s capital has been increased from one hundred and twenty-two million seven hundred and eighty thousand (SR 122,780,000) to Two Million Saudi Riels (200 million) by capitalizing retained earnings and injecting cash.


The Company had successfully obtained the Commercial Registration No. (2) for the Company and for Al Rawabi Educational complex.


The second educational complex was established in Al-Rawabi district in Riyadh city.


The Company had successfully obtained the Commercial Registration No. (3) for the Company and for Al Nozha Educational Complex.


The third educational complex was established in Al-Nozha district in Riyadh city.


The Company’s capital has been increased from 200 million Saudi Riyals to 300 million Saudi Riyals by capitalizing retained earnings and statutory reserve.


The Company had successfully obtained the Commercial Registration No. (4) for the Company and the Cordoba Educational Complex was obtained and the fourth educational complex was opened in the district of Cordoba in Riyadh.


The Company was isted on the Saudi Stock Market


The fifth educational School was established in Buraidah in Qassim city.


The company acquired the schools of Al-Khwarizmi Educational Company and Al-Ghad Educational Company

(عربي) 2021

(عربي) تم إنشاء وافتتاح المجمع التعليمي السابع لمدارس التربية النموذجية بحي العارض بمدينة الرياض.

تم افتتاح أكاديمية التربية النموذجية العالمية بحي الريان و حي النزهة بمدينة الرياض.

(عربي) 2022

(عربي) تم إنشاء وافتتاح مدارس التربية النموذجية العالمية بالمنطقة الشرقية بمدينة الظهران.

(عربي) 2023

(عربي) تم إنشاء الفرع الثاني لمدارس التربية النموذجية العالمية بحي العارض بمدينة الرياض.

تم إنشاء الفرع الثاني لمدارس الغد الأهلية بحي القيروان بمدينة الرياض.

تم الاستحواذ على مدارس السلام الأهلية بمدينة الخبر.